In-Person & Virtual Job Fairs

Meet and Vet Qualified Candidates, In-Person or Online

Connect live with area talent and maximize your recruiting efforts.

Consider joining us for an upcoming Job Fair in your area. These are multi-profession, multi-industry events hosted by Catalyst Career Group, either in-person or virtually.

Each event deploys an extensive advertising campaign to increase reach and generate interest in your openings.

In addition, we include focused advertising for each exhibitor with a targeted job board posting to promote key positions and your participation in the event.

Event Advertising Campaigns

Catalyst leverages an integrated blend of advertising best practices to connect you live with a diverse group of quality candidates.

Promotion of our events includes leading nationwide job and regional job boards with a strong presence in specific cities.

We send notification of our events to our large database of past attendees, university career service offices, job networking groups, military, VA offices, unemployment office and outplacement firms. Radio, billboards, TV, and newspapers are all part of the advertising resources we will use from time to time.

We post on Eventbrite and other job fair specific events pages and have an active presence on social media, including LinkedIn and Facebook.

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Exhibit Space
Skirted table, comfortable chairs, and WiFi access in an elegant ballroom location

Job Board Posting
Promotes your participation and open position to attract candidates specifically for you

Event Guide Listing
Brand your company and promote all your open positions to job fair attendees

Candidate Orientation
Instructs candidates job fair best practices and prepares them to meet employers

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Interactive Virtual Hiring Room
Real-time, one-to-one text and video conversations

Brand Your Company
Include your logo, company bio, and social media links

Unlimited Recruiters
Your full team can participate, with no limit on seats

Post-Event Access
Search resumes and invite missed candidates to chat

Mobile Enabled
Provides ease of access to candidates who are underemployed, unemployed and who may be looking to explore your career options

Export Data
Resumes and candidate data are exportable to your ATS

Unlimited Job Listings
List as many job openings and descriptions as you need

Targeted Job Board Postings
Promote participation and open position to attract candidates specifically for your requirements

User Analytics
All activity is tracked and available for review

Affordable and Effective!

Our job fairs target and attract quality candidates in the locations where you need.  Companies across the U.S. attend our events to connect live with great talent for their open positions and to advance their recruiting initiatives.


To secure additional details and registration information on any one or more of our upcoming job fairs, contact us now.

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