2020 is quickly coming to a close, and shifts to remote work across industries are continuing to disrupt the usual hiring trends. We know that many of the jobs that existed pre-COVID aren’t coming back anytime soon, or if they are, they may have changed drastically. Talented job seekers may be looking in different places than they did before for seasonal jobs and positions starting in the new year. So while many industries have had plenty of time to re-strategize during that time, HR teams and recruiters may still face a lot of unknowns.
There are several questions you may not be able to find great answers to with the data that’s available:
- Where is the talent looking for jobs, and what do they want in remote positions?
- How wide do I cast my net, geographically and otherwise?
- What’s the onboarding process going to look like in a virtual setting?
Recruiters can use the same leadership principles and strategies that management teams used back in April when many businesses had to completely change their core structure and offerings:

Prioritize and Clarify Processes
Focusing on what you can control with clarity and action can help you harness uncertainty to move towards desired outcomes.
Come up with realistic measures of what a successful hiring process will accomplish, then determine a couple of different approaches that might work. Take a cue from ER nurses, military personnel and other professionals who thrive in uncertainty: create contingency plans for multiple scenarios and be ready to execute.

Experiment and Take Risks
A balanced strategy for hiring in uncertain times will include both safety nets and ambitious risks.
Look outside your industry or geographic area for unique candidates with related skill sets, but don’t try both at once! Going back to our first tip, know how many applicants or interviews you would consider a success for each new strategy and review it after a limited time to see if it’s working.

Double Down on Privacy and Protection
Not only do you need to keep your applicants’ information safe, but you also need to inform them of how you are doing so.
Asking for personal information through email or an insecure website raises a red flag that may cause talented people to move along to other opportunities. If the position involves expense reimbursements or different taxation procedures, especially for applicants outside your state, that’s something to work out before you start hiring.

Don’t Miss Out on Non-Traditional Options
Big changes in your industry may be opening up new possibilities for things like work-life balance and diversifying your team.
One of the biggest groups of newly unemployed Americans are women, and many are looking at new careers with more flexibility than what they did before. Finding ways to accommodate them could help you fill positions much faster!

Recruit Virtually for Virtual Positions
Of course, if your applicant plans to work from home, the hiring and onboarding process should reflect that right from the beginning. Give job seekers a chance to get to know your company and start building a relationship during a virtual job fair or open house!
Looking to fill your position fast and need top talent? Contact Catalyst Career Group for virtual job fairs and private hiring events.